Okay so the last entry was around 5 months ago. and since then well not much. The house stands, waiting for us to return and continue working on it.
Actually no, that's not entirely true. We've finally gotten to the point where we can go ahead and start gathering permits from the city. However I've been unfortunately side-swiped by the budget cuts and now the City is requiring that we pay ALL permit fees up front, rather than one at a time. Its a huge chunk of money that I wasn't expecting to have to pay all at once. I mean I understand that when a City or state is hurting that you'd expect that they'd do a little financial trickery to make ends meet, but most people doing renovations aren't going legit.
So then why are they punishing those of us who are trying to be legitimate? I'm not saying no fees anywhere... but how about a schedule of fees and timelines? Possible payment schedules with penalties rather than a huge lump sum? I don't think I'm being too unreasonable? am I?