26-Sep -09
Today we climbed into the rafters to tear down the ceiling in the kitchen and the bedrooms. It was hot day in Oakland today about 80+ degrees. It was even hotter in the gable of the house. By my estimates it was at least 100 degrees if not more. The removal of the ceiling was not that difficult, technically or physically, but the conditions made the job difficult. The Batt style insulation was in relatively bad condition. A good portion of the insulation had been used as rat’s nests and lavatory. Once the air circulation hit the feces and dried urine a very putrid stench began to emanate from it.There was also no catwalk installed, so old planks were used to substitute until I can install one.
In conjunction with removing the ceiling we also started removing the walls in the blue and purple/pink room.
I had the help of Sterling, Leo and Jerrold and my wife Kira.
Approximate labor time 7 hours.
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